05 May

Attracting new clients to your business is a hard task to do. Encouraging them to try your products and services — even harder.

Most business owners feel they have tried every gift ideas under the sun in Singapore. However, some of them have not tried one thing, and that is to personalise gifts. 

  1. Choose Lively Colours

When creating personalised gifts in Singapore, you should be careful about what colours you will use, because not everyone shares the same belief.

For example, the colour black and white signifies death or funeral, while red stands for harmony and luck.

  1. Limit the number of Characters 

Aesthetic wise, you should follow the famous saying, "too much of anything is bad". That is why you should limit the number of characters you will incorporate into your design.

  1. Try Engraving 

Next, if your clients are from generation X or older, the best gift ideas in Singapore that you can incorporate would be engraving the design on the gifts itself. 

  1. Use Image 

Also, you can use old photos of any events to remind help how long you have been in this industry, providing them with excellent products and services. 

  1. Play with Size

What is good about personalised gifts in Singapore is that you can go big or small. Any size will do as long as you deliver your intention, and that is thanking them.

  1. Consider Useful Gifts

Most of all, when it comes to personalising gifts, it should be something useful that your clients can use in their day-to-day life like an umbrella, mug, flash drive, cup or bag. 

  1. Genderless

Lastly, do not overthink their genders. Instead, think of gift ideas in Singapore that are good for both men and women.

Create a big impression with personalised gifts in Singapore. 

If you do not have much time to create personalised gifts, then visit this handicraft shop called Arch Heritage in Singapore. They offer different designs, colour, and style that you might like!



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