01 Feb

It’s always been a good idea to give gifts during the holiday seasons. It’s normal to get gifts after the Christmas but before New Year’s Eve. It’s rare to get gifts after the holidays especially if its after January. Still there are people who get gifts around this time. There are also people who give gifts during the first quarter of the new year. It’s not normal, but you know what they say, it’s the thought that counts.

It will definitely take us a while to find out why there are actual people who go out of their way and give gifts during the first quarter. Why are they doing this and not following the tradition of giving gifts to friends and loved ones during Christmas? There are a few logical reasons why people give gifts in the first quarter of the new year instead of during the holiday season. One reason those friends of yours who gave you those cute personalised gifts in Singapore did so in the first quarter of the year was because they were out of town. That really is one of the most common reasons for you to get a gift long past the holidays. We all have those times of friends who lock their door for the holidays and fly off to an exotic location. These men and women would rather spend a good amount of money all smiles and having their photos shared on Instagram.

It’s not that they dislike the parties and everything associated with Christmas. To them, they don’t want to be stuck in the chair and watch as the world pass them by. They want adventure and they may get the chance to go on an adventure during the holiday break. So that’s the number one reason you get gifts at a later time.

There’s also the fact that the gifts weren’t ready in time. Going back to the same logic we did earlier, if you were bound to get some unique personalised gifts in Singapore but the manufacturers or printers were unable to finish it on the allotted time then that would explain a lot. It would explain why you got the gift so late in time. It would also explain why it took that time despite being ordered earlier; which is because it was personalised on some deeper level.

You may have gotten almost an identical item or gift don’t worry. It’s not as personalized as the gift that you may have received late. Again, what matters the most is that your friend or loved one found the time and the budget to give you something as unique and personalised. It’s also the core tennet of the spirit of the season.

We may never know the reason, but we do know that there are a ton of great gifts that can be given away. So rather than question the timing, we might as well enjoy and savor the gift giving. If we’re the receiver, its not everyday that you would be getting a gift intended for Christmas only to get it by Valentine’s Day.

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