25 Jun

When we think of the word gift, what comes to mind? Gifting has been a tradition that humanity has practised for thousands of years. We give and receive gifts on special occasions such as birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, graduations, and so on.

Normally, we think of the action of giving gifts as one done between friends or family, but this isn’t always the case. For example, giving gifts is also done in the business world. Gifting is done between coworkers, prospective customers, business partners, and so on. The act of giving gifts in the workplace can even be more meaningful and important.

What is corporate gifting?

Simply put, a corporate gift is a gift given by a business. It serves as a simple interaction from a business to its employee, client, shareholder, and other stakeholders. There are several occasions where it is appropriate or even expected to give gifts to these people, such as:

  1. A corporate event
  2. Public holidays
  3. As an act of goodwill towards persons of interest

Corporate gifting creates positive associations and connections between the two parties. Giving gifts has long been a tradition for many companies because they serve multiple functions.

The importance of corporate gifting

The purpose that corporate gifts serve can be different depending on the occasion in which they are given and the intended recipient. In a way, corporate gifts can be considered as an investment because of the value that they bring to the receiver. Many companies spend a considerable amount on premium gifts to give to various people. Here are some examples of how corporate gifts make an impact on different people.

  1.  To customers: Corporate gifts or giveaways are great for attracting the attention of consumers. In a way, they’re used for many marketing and advertising strategies. It’s easy to associate a brand with positive feelings after giving them great gifts. It also helps make them feel valued by the company.
  2. To business partners. Maintaining strong ties with business partners and important people that you have to work with is extremely useful in the long run. Giving gifts during events also leaves a strong impression on others and makes it more likely that they will remember you and work with you again.
  3. To employees. Employees are your strongest asset, without who, the operation of your business will not be possible. Treating them well results in many benefits, from increased productivity to lower employee turnover. Many businesses often use gifting as a way to show their appreciation for their employees and increase satisfaction at work.

Sagana International is a corporate and door gifts supplier in Singapore. Reach out to us to know more about the products and services we provide.

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