02 Jun

When thinking about birthday celebrations we often found ourselves stuck and undecided about what particular item would be the perfect gift for your friends, family, partner or co-worker. We often appeal to the idea that gifts should be branded, that is something can be bought to a shopping mall or a retail store or even a handicraft shop in Singapore. We forgot that we can make one with our own hands and use those precious time to make a specialised gift for that one person.

Homemade or handcrafted gift items are an excellent way to show someone about your appreciation and care for them without spending a lot of money. Because we often think that when a product costs more, it means it's more appreciated and more valued. When giving a birthday gift, try to look for inspiration and amazing ideas for handmade gift-making projects.

1. Japanese bookbinding

It’s easy to do and it won’t cost you a lot. Japanese bookbinding is a great way to present a book to your loved ones or birthday celebrant without spending lots of cash for a premium, and pretty book. The good thing about it is that there are lots of designs and patterns you can incorporate if you want to make your gift more stunning and presentable. You can look for online various tutorials and designing techniques.

2. Homemade coasters

Is the birthday celebrant loves to take a few cups of coffee or tea every day? A brilliant homemade decorated coaster is a simple but brilliant gift idea for that coffee/tea lover. Decorate it with paints or wrap them with fancy washi tapes or pictures. You can do whatever styling ideas you think will be pleasing!

3. Handmade bracelets

Bracelets are not just often a styling accessory, sometimes it can serve and hold sentimental values. Handmade bracelets are some of the fantastic gift ideas, especially for young and adventurous teens. You can have it creatively weaved in fantastic colours or beautiful patterns with engraved names or a message on it. It’s a great and valuable item you can give to your loved ones as well!

Looking for a customized corporate gift in Singapore? Arch Heritage provides top-quality handmade products that make great corporate/heritage gifts in Singapore.



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